Thursday, December 9, 2010

Play Pokemon Sapphire On Emulator Mac

- (Awareness) You think you're a good person?

- (Juanjo) You know, I'm a great person. I say this because I can make the normal person, social. Because I know I digress like most and of course try to be tribial, trailers, not get out of the margins so that negatively affect my peers. So I think I'm a great person.

- (Awareness) Do not think you are presumptuous, that is, why are you so sure that the way things are?

- (Juanjo) Well, I guess all the people come first "great people", until they start to mess up or gradually eventuated. There are also people who stay in the squalor of the "not made." It seems that just eat and sleep. No talk, no project, no opinion. Maybe they are a bit substandard, but that doctors would determine as there are those who are subnormal and there are those who do substandard, or unconscious. But if we delve into the description of the adjective we're trying (to be great person), better would suggest that a great person has his way with humility, honesty, simplicity, selfless support, etc. (These things I lost)

- (C) Do you really think you're a writer?

- (JJ) Well, yeah! Just because I write, whatever. And because I think as a writer. Ie long (more than 20 years), I write texts of all kinds, I mean I write texts from different branches, different qualities and for different emotional states. Currently writing more thoroughly that they no longer serve the "poor little poems attempt to conquer a girl." I read more, I've tested more, I disgust over some old writings of mine and I become sometimes completely safe when you enter a competition, I'm not going to anywhere. Therefore, I am a writer because I write anything without knowing why, maybe to challenge myself to myself, maybe to leave papers with letters of my fist in the bosom of my family after I die, or because they entertain my mind Soper do not do drugs or alcohol, so I have no other vice different, but to write by writing.

- (C) Are you sure when you say "write by writing?"

- (JJ) No. Or rather, I think so, but that I could use some "popularity." But, as I said, I'm afraid I will not stop writing ever, while you can, take a pencil and allow me.

- (C) Do you think a good person, not great but a simple being?

- (JJ) I do not know. Nor do I think will never know. I want to be a good person, kind, open, simple, generous, peaceful, and so on. But the world moves in a way that is impossible to preserve the mood. Life is like passing through a suspension bridge in motion where it is impossible to control the softy emotions and let drop a madrazo. I do not trust too much from the humble - calm, they are strange people. In my case, sometimes I paint suddenly brave and say I'm white background, plus I'm slow, which I understand nothing. It will be something that has to do with appearance, but not with reality. Anyway, I think I can be as fast as the most unexpected situation may require and as black as the most dismal character of one of my writings may be needed.

- (C) Describe your present.

- (JJ) Iva to say, uncertain, but it is more than that. It may be a unique moment. These are like atoms, infinite and unique. Every moment is unique, indivisible and insufferable, but is it the hardest thing to keep clear for humans in general. In this also confuses me as a human being and should not be. However, it may be that if you enjoy life, large quantities, do not say all, there are specific moments (breeding of gray as I say) where in a moment of happiness fades into a black hole ...
But to be more specific I think I live a moment it touches. And although I fear with the passage of time be more sorry, now I hope to write the words that I restored consciousness in the future. Points: all relegated to the economic situation or money is not worth suffering. Life goes in another way.

I have to go quiet, walking and racking moments every day. Creating, inventing, dancing combine. That attempt.

- (C) assure me that money does not care.

- (JJ) impossible to say. The money does not come from heaven, is not sacred. It is an invention of an ancient society very similar to that currently belong. I could have been the inventor of monetary value. What happens is that it has undergone an evolution ... I becoming that. I try to be clear that the legitimacy of happiness from money is a falasea. What's in the world millions of people happy without that depend on money. Say that the difficulties for the "desire for money" go through the same suspension bridge, but it also offers you skewers, knives, holes. I hope that every second that goes by I care less.

- (C) Perform an act of contrition, a gathering with his conscience and ask yourself Do you feel sad?

- (JJ) Although some anger at not having basic things to be happier or be more relaxed, Penile and so you tell me, I will tell you with confidence that I sleep very well and do not suffer from stress. The mine is merely ideal. The suffering I is given by ideals. I'm not a simple person, so I can not simply be a happy person. Juan Jo


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