Analyzing Population statistics we can say that in the city of Buenos Aires the population is stable at about 3000000 inhabitants. In the year 2001 2.995.397 inhabitants. And in the year 2009 3.018.102 inhabitants. And growth is estimated for the year 2015 to 3,090,922 inhabitants. 30% of the population (917,080 inhabitants. Both sexes) is between 20 and 40 years of age. Construction
26% of city households are single and in terms of construction in the city of Buenos Aires in recent years is growing, in 2002 was built on a rising 6.592.280m2 2006 to 18.891.381m2 where 79% is new construction and 21% were expansions.
bedroom apartment for sale brand new
During 2008, are the neighborhoods of Recoleta and Palermo Belgrano which represent higher costs for units offering 55m2 m2 average to a value of $ 2250 per m2. The area of \u200b\u200bnewly developed residential real estate consists of the neighborhoods of Caballito Almagro and Villa Crespo Villa Urquiza offer 47m2 units to a value of $ 1663 per m2. The known historic neighborhoods composed of Boedo and Balvanera offer 46m2 units to a value of $ 1658 per m2. The districts of Agronomy and Villa Devoto 49m2 units offered at a value of $ 1493 per m2. The other axis grouped in neighborhoods west of the city offering 46m2 units to a value of $ 1376 per m2, whereas those grouped in the center south of the city offering 50m2 units to a value of $ 1366 m2. If you take an average across all areas of the city could say that the supply of units of two rooms in a brand new 49m2 round to a value of $ 1764 per m2.
Evolution of prices and departments offer two rooms, brand new
The average apartment price of two rooms, brand grew by 18%. Also recorded an annual increase above the average of the City of Buenos Aires in the barrios of Caballito (24%) Villa Urquiza (22%) Recoleta (18%) Villa Crespo (12%) and Palermo (12%).
As for the units offered, is the neighborhood of Palermo which has the largest number of used apartments for sale, 120 units, followed Recoleta and Balvanera with 70 points each while the rest of the neighborhoods offer between 30 and 50. The average age is 31 years.
Our Office of Architecture offers architectural services and construction to produce a few square meters housing in condo equipped with garage, meeting spaces and recreation, aesthetic quality construction and comfort.
Jorge Arq Alibert - Marcelo Alibert Arch
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