The appearance of the four elements are necessary in the birth chart of a person that is in balance, in the same way, these pillars of nature must be represented in the home, even if only symbolic, energy to achieve harmony.
Where are the four elements in our home?
Air: The directly associated with ventilation. Ventilate a home is essential for a healthy life. Vent environments is essential to enjoy, so we must put on a generous windows. The households without natural ventilation must find different solutions for a healthy environment. Technology gives us the air conditioning equipment that not only help in ventilation but also conditioned (filtered, de humidifier, and heating and / or cooling).
Water: We are a 80% water. Along with the air is what keeps us alive. Fundamental in our network drinking and health, also in the irrigation and pools. While we should not deprive us of their use have to be aware of rational use of it.
Fire: One of the phenomena of nature's most fascinating and perhaps has had more influence on development of mankind. Since its inception, the man was accompanied and served by the fire to bring warmth in the heating (households) and calls for cooking (grills).
Land: Since ancient times people build their habitat with the materials provided by nature. From a contemporary perspective, the use of natural materials (straw, earth, wood, stone, cane) allows us to generate bio technologies. With the emergence of new technologies and especially the heavy use of Portland cement is installed as a paradigm of modernity associated with reinforced concrete.
The continued existence of the world appropriate based on the combination and interaction of these four elements.
Marcelo Alibert Arch
For more information contact:
Email: info@alibertoarquitectos.com.ar
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